Solved – Interpreting plot of PCA results (from 3 to 2 dimensions)

dimensionality reductionpca

I'm having trouble understanding how to interpret/explain the end result of dimensionality reduction via PCA. Namely, I've attempted to code up a simple example in R but can't really say what happened. I started with three vectors (x,y,z) where x and y are highly correlated and z is veeery loosely related to x. After finding the top 2 principal components and multiplying back by the original data, I have what I believe to be the "final result"… but the plot of the new 2-D data appears entirely uncorrelated. What am I seeing? What are the axes? I expected to see something that resembled the data on the x-y plane.

I have plots of the mean-subtracted data in 3d and the reduced plot but not enough points to post them.

Best Answer

The previous answer correctly explains what you see, but I would like to add that one of the properties of PCA is that it makes all variables uncorrelated. So after doing PCA each component is guaranteed to be uncorrelated with any other component, and you should not be surprised.

If you are a bit familiar with mathematics behind PCA, you know that it is equivalent to diagonalizing the covariance matrix of the data. If the covariance matrix is diagonal, then covariance (and also correlation) between any two different components is zero.