Logistic Regression – Interpreting Logistic Regression Coefficients for a Categorical Variable

generalized linear modelinterpretationlogisticmultiple regressionregression coefficients

I got these results from a logistic regression in R. The data are the proportion of women elected in Uk elections, according to their party.

enter image description here

As you can see, I used exp() to get rid off of the log function, so these are the odds, not the log odds.

How can I interpret these, since I don't see how I can say that for every 1 unit increase in party, there is an increase in the odds. Are these odd ratios comparing with each other, I mean comparing with the odd ratios for all other parties?

Best Answer

This isn't really a 'discrete' variable, it's a categorical variable. Only the intercept is the odds of a woman (in the reference level party) being elected. The other coefficients are odds ratios. You multiply those odds ratios times the odds in the intercept to get the odds of a woman in the, say, green party being elected (in that case the odds is .3125, or about 24%).

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