Solved – Interpreting autocorrelation in time series residuals

arimaautocorrelationresidualstime series

I am trying to fit an ARIMA model to the following data minus the last 12 datapoints:

The first thing I did was take the log-difference to get a stationary process:

beer_ts <- bshort %>%pull(Amount) %>%ts(.,frequency=1)
beer_log <- log(beer_ts)
beer_adj <- diff(beer_log, differences=1)


Both the ADF & KPSS tests indicates that beer_adj is indeed stationary, which matches my visual inspection:
enter image description here

Fitting a model yields the following:

beer_arima <- auto.arima(beer_adj, seasonal=FALSE, stepwise=FALSE, approximation=FALSE)

Series: beer_adj 
ARIMA(4,0,1) with non-zero mean 

         ar1     ar2     ar3      ar4      ma1    mean
      0.4655  0.0537  0.0512  -0.3486  -0.9360  0.0017
s.e.  0.0470  0.0517  0.0516   0.0469   0.0126  0.0005

sigma^2 estimated as 0.01282:  log likelihood=312.39
AIC=-610.77   AICc=-610.5   BIC=-582.68

Training set error measures:
                        ME      RMSE        MAE      MPE     MAPE     MASE        ACF1
Training set -0.0004487926 0.1124111 0.08945575 134.5103 234.3433 0.529803 -0.06818126


When inspecting the residuals, however, they seem to be serially autocorrelated at lag 12:
enter image description here

I am unsure how I am supposed to interpret this last plot – at this stage I would have expected white noise residuals. I am new to time series analysis, but it seems to me that I am missing some fundamental step in my modelling here. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

If I am not mistaken, the observations in this beer time series were collected 12 times a year for each year represented in the data, so the frequency of the time series is 12.

As explained at, for instance, frequency is the number of observations per unit time. This means that frequency = 1 for data collected once a year, frequency = 4 for data collected 4 times a year (i.e., quarterly data) and frequency = 12 for data collected 12 times a year (i.e., monthly data). Not sure why you would use frequency = 1 instead of frequency = 12 for this time series?

For time series data where frequency = 4 or 12, you should be concerned about the possibility of seasonality (see

If seasonality is present, you should incorporate this into your time series modelling and forecasting, in which case you would use seasonal = TRUE in your auto.arima() function call.

Before you construct the ACF and PACF plots, you can diagnose the presence of seasonality of a quarterly or monthly time series using functions such as ggseasonplot() and ggsubseriesplot() in the forecast package in R, as seen here:

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