Solved – Interpretation of polynomial regression output in R


I performed a polynomial regression using the following formula:

lm(deviance ~ poly(myDF$distance,3,raw=T))

However, the summary output states that only the third term is significant:

                                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)                         -0.014825   0.095987  -0.154   0.8774  
poly(myDF$distance, 3, raw = T)1     0.031286   0.143283   0.218   0.8273  
poly(myDF$distance, 3, raw = T)2    -0.080363   0.065591  -1.225   0.2215  
poly(myDF$distance, 3, raw = T)3     0.021517   0.009377   2.295   0.0224 * 

How is this to be interpreted? My first guess is that only the full third-degree model (including the lower degree terms) fits the data significantly better than the null hypothesis. Is this correct? Put simply: Does the non-significance of the first and second degree terms impair the goodness of the model?

Best Answer

Your "first guess" can't be evaluated just from this output. You'd have to look at the models without the cubic term to decide.

What you can say is that, in the model with the cubic term, the linear and quadratic terms are not significant. Still, they should almost surely be included due to the "hierarchy principle".

The non-significance of the lower order terms is not, in itself, a bad thing.

As to how to interpret the model - since you have only one independent variable, you can easily make a graph with the IV on the x axis and the DV on the y axis. I think this happens automatically as one of the plots of plot(model) but, if not, you can do it with

m1 <- lm(deviance ~ poly(myDF$distance,3,raw=T))
    plot(x = myDF$distance, y = m1$fitted.values)

You can also get the fitted value for any distance by plugging it into the regression equation (or using predict with newdata).

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