Solved – Interpretation of interaction effects in linear mixed models with numeric and factorial IVs


I hope my question is not too basic for this community. I can*t figure out how to interpret the output of my linear mixed model, especially the interaction effects.

I do my analysis in R using lme from the nlme package. My model consists of 3 factorial IVs (exp.type [2 levels – field vs. lab], org.type [3 levles – autotroph, heterotroph, mixed], system [2 levels – marine vs. freshwater]) and 2 numeric IVs (even, duration).

lme1 = lme(reist ~ even + exp.type + even:exp.type + org.type + even:org.type + system +
duration, random =~1|authors.year, data = data)

output of the linear model

My question is: How do I interpret the interaction effects? How do I get the slopes of the linear regressions for each level of the IVs that have significant interactions

Best Answer

When there is an interaction, there is no unique slope for any of the main effects; those change based on other variables in the interaction.

I have found that the simplest method of interpreting interactions is visually: make graphs of your DV at different levels of your IVs. Since you have two numeric IVs and 3 categorical ones, you could make 6 graphs. For each, plot one numeric IV on the x axis and the predicted value of the DV on the Y axis, with a line for each level of one of the categorical DVs (you will have to make some assumptions about the value of the other IVs - the mean for the continuous and the mode for the categorical may be sensible).

Alternatively, you could make a lattice plot (using the lattice package) or use faceting (with the ggplot2 package).

Another way to go is to make a table of the predicted values of the DV for various common combinations of the IVs. (E.g. the quartiles of the two continuous IVs and all the values of the DVs - which would give a table with 3*3*3*2*2 = 108 rows.

As to what the interactions mean - an interaction means that the relationship between one IV and the DV is different at different levels of the other IV.