Solved – Interpretation of continuous variable in dumthe-continuous interaction

categorical datainteractioninterpretationmultiple regressionregression coefficients

Similar questions have been asked before, but all of them focus on the dummy or interaction term.

Say run an OLS regression on the model:

$\ln( housePrice )= \beta_1 \times pollutionLevel + \beta_2 \times D_N + u$

where $D_N$ is a dummy that indicates whether there is a school nearby the house.

The interpretation for $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ are simple enough, but in the model:

$ln( housePrice ) = \beta_1 \times pollutionLevel + \beta_2 \times D_N + \beta_3 \times pollutionLevel \times D_N + u$

it's not so clear.

I understand the interpretation of $\beta_3$, but how does the interpretation of $\beta_1$ change? Is $\beta_1$ now just the effect of pollutionLevel when there isn't a nearby school, or is that totally wrong?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best Answer

Yes, that is correct in your case. A good way to convince yourself of that statement follows.

Say you want to find the impact of the pollution level on the log of house prices.

$$ \dfrac{\partial \ ln(housePrice)} {\partial \ pollutionLevel} = \beta_1 + \beta_3 \times D_N $$

where the impact of the pollution level on the percentage change in house prices when there is no school nearby $(D_N=0)$ is simply $\beta_1$.

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