Regression – Intercept from Standardized Coefficients in Logistic Regression: Explanation

data transformationinterceptlogisticregressionstandardization

I have fit a logistic regression model with original y and standardized x variables. Slope coefficients can be easily converted back to their original scale by $\beta^*_j/\sigma_{x_j}$ where $\beta^*_j$ is the output from the fitted model. However, I am not sure how to get the original intercept estimate from the output. Any help is appreciated.


Best Answer

Start with a simple logistic regression:

$\,\,\text{logit}(\mu) \,= \beta_0 + \beta_1 x\quad\quad$ (original)

$\quad\quad\quad\quad= \beta_0^* + \beta_1^* (x-\bar{x})/s_x\quad\quad$ (standardized x)

$\quad\quad\quad\quad= (\beta_0^* -\beta_1^*\bar{x}/s_x)+ (\beta_1^*/s_x) x$

So $\beta_1=\beta_1^*/s_x$ and $\beta_0=\beta_0^* -\beta_1^*\bar{x}/s_x$

More generally, the same manipulation yields

$\beta_0=\beta_0^* -\sum_{i=1}^p\beta_i^*\bar{x_i}/s_{x_i}$ and $\beta_i=\beta_i^*/s_{x_i}$