Solved – Interaction effects in non-linear models

interactionlogitnonlinear regressionprobit

I have a general question about interpreting interaction effects in a non-linear model. I understand the reasons Ai and Norton (2004) suggest using the stata inteff command to help interpret interaction effects in a non-linear model.

However, Buis (2010) seems to suggest that interpreting a logit model through odds ratios overcomes the problem in a much simpler way.

It is not clear to me how Buis's suggestion helps with the issues of Ai and Norton (2004) namely that the sign and significance of interaction effects in non-linear models vary across observations. Any help in understanding this would be much appreciated?

Best Answer

The way I solved the issue that the interaction effects in terms of marginal effect differ across observations is that in my article I did not look at interaction effects in terms of marginal effects but in terms of odds ratios.

With marginal effects you try to fit a linear line on top of a non-linear line, and this does not fit perfectly. It is these deviations that are the cause of the variation in marginal effects across observations.

There is no such "leakage" between a logit model and odds ratios, so I can describe an interaction effect in that model with just one parameter (a ratio of odds ratios) that works for all observations.