Solved – Insignificant Dumthe Variable in Regression

regressionstatistical significance

How can you refer to insignificant binary dummy variables in the results chapter of papers?

E.g. when it has been found that gender is not significant. Can you state that there are no significant differences between males and females regarding the target variable? Or is this not correct from a statictical point of view?

Best Answer

You should say, that you could find no evidence (or better yet, "no strong evidence") for statistically significant differences in the average outcomes between males and females at the $X$% confidence level, when controlling for the other variables in the model. Certainly there are significant differences: their genitalia for example and other minor variations that don't matter to you. It also does not make sense to talk about statistically significant differences if you don't refer to the Probability of making a Type I error somehow.

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