Probability – Understanding Indicator Functions in Probability

indicator functionnotationprobability

Here is an excerpt from "All of Statistics" by Larry Wasserman (page 23):

Given an event A, define the indicator function of A by

$$ I_{A}(\omega)= \color{Red}{I(\omega \in A)} =\begin{cases} 1 &
\text{ if } \omega \in A \\ 0 & \text{ if } \omega \notin A
\end{cases} $$

I am not convinced, referring to term colored red, with the notation here. Since this is a widely referred text, I would like to know that whether this is a typo or I am missing something here.

Best Answer

I see no suggestion there's a typo; it looks reasonably straightforward to me.

I'd informally read it left to right as something like:

"Define the function $I_A(\omega)$ -- an indicator of $(\omega\in A)$ -- which takes the value $1$ when $\omega\in A$ and $0$ otherwise."