Solved – Independent and Identically distributed assumption in Maximum likelihood estimation

data visualizationmachine learningmathematical-statisticsmaximum likelihoodstatistical significance

I was reading about Maximum likelihood estimation from various sources on the internet and I noticed that MLE makes an assumption about the data known as IID but I didn't completely understand why is it necessary to make this assumption? Are there any other assumptions that MLE makes?

Best Answer

Assuming independence is not necessary for maximum likelihood estimation (ML) (or other likelihood based methods). But if independence is a reasonable assumption, then it makes ML easy to implement, since the log likelihood is simply the sum of the individual log likelihoods. But there are lots of examples where ML is used without Independence: time series with ARMA (or ARIMA) models, spatial models including spatial dependence, mixed models where there are correlation between observations within some groups, others.

When is it reasonable to assume independence? is discussed already multiple times on this site, see for example Are "random sample" and "iid random variable" synonyms? or Independence of events in real-life data