Solved – Inconsistency of the Breslow estimator


The Breslow estimate is commonly used in the Cox proportional hazards model. However this paper by Deborah Burr

Burr, D. (1994). On Inconsistency of Breslow's Estimator as an
Estimator of the Hazard Rate in the Cox Model
. Biometrics,
50(4), 1142-1145.

claims that the estimator is inconsistent (I do not have this paper so I have read the first page only).

Does the conclusion of the paper mean that we should really stop using this estimator ?

Best Answer

Yes, it probably shouldn't be used as an estimate of hazard, and as Elvis points out the rest of the paper notes that Breslow didn't really intend it for that purpose.

Continuing the quotation of Burr's note;

The estimator should not be viewed as such, for it is inconsistent as an estimator of $\lambda$ in the Cox model (although erroneous use of (1.2) has occurred in the literature). This inconsistency of $\hat\lambda$ is well known, but the result has not been written down explicitly. The purpose of this note is to do that.

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