Solved – Inconsistency in mixed-effects model estimation results (Stata and SPSS)

mixed modelspssstata

For my thesis there's a big chance that I will need some sort of mixed-effects specification. I have some (non-syntax) experience with SPSS but feel that it won't suffice for my analysis. I have very basic knowledge in Stata and decided to experiment more with that package.

I decided to try and replicate results from SPSS in Stata for a basic model. I have data on 4059 students in 65 schools, investigating the influence of entry level score (standlrt) of students on their final exam score (normexam).

In a previously followed course which had a brief introduction to multilevel modeling, my teacher provided me with a syntax in SPSS.

  normexam  WITH standlrt
  /FIXED = standlrt 

Now I tried replicating these results in Stata but the results are not consistent. Magnitude and sometimes even sign of the betas differ.

First I use xtset school to indicate that my data is clustered. Then I use

xtmixed normexam standlrt || school: standlrt .

What may be the cause of these inconsistent results?

Thanks in advance!

ps. this is not homework, and I hope I specified my first question properly.

pps. a possibility may be that the 'problem' has multiple optima but I don't think this is the case in such a basic model, also because it's an uni-variate regression. Also, the iterative procedures performed while estimating may have different results, but I only think this would have big effects like sign changes.


This is my Stata output

xtmixed normexam standlrt || school: standlrt

Mixed-effects REML regression                   Number of obs      =      4059
Group variable: school                          Number of groups   =        65

                                                Obs per group: min =         2
                                                               avg =      62.4
                                                               max =       198

                                                Wald chi2(1)       =    768.21
Log restricted-likelihood = -4667.8385          Prob > chi2        =    0.0000

    normexam |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    standlrt |   .5570213   .0200971    27.72   0.000     .5176317    .5964108
       _cons |  -.0080944   .0400842    -0.20   0.840     -.086658    .0704691

  Random-effects Parameters  |   Estimate   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
school: Independent          |
                sd(standlrt) |   .1214197   .0191066      .0891958    .1652852
                   sd(_cons) |   .3032317   .0309434      .2482638    .3703699
                sd(Residual) |   .7440605   .0083943      .7277885    .7606962
LR test vs. linear regression:       chi2(2) =   438.60   Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

And this is my SPSS output

-2 Restricted Log Likelihood    9335,677

Type III Tests of Fixed Effects(a)
|Source   |Numerator df|Denominator df|F      |Sig.|
|Intercept|1           |60,466        |,041   |,841|
|standlrt |1           |56,936        |768,207|,000|
a. Dependent Variable: normexam = final exam scores.

Estimates of Fixed Effects(a)
|Parameter|Estimate|Std. Error|df    |t     |Sig.|95% Confidence Interval            |
|         |        |          |      |      |    |-----------------------|-----------|
|         |        |          |      |      |    |Lower Bound            |Upper Bound|
|Intercept|-,008094|,040084   |60,466|-,202 |,841|-,088262               |,072073    |
|standlrt |,557021 |,020097   |56,936|27,717|,000|,516777                |,597266    |
a. Dependent Variable: normexam = final exam scores.

Covariance Parameters

Estimates of Covariance Parameters(a)
|Parameter                            |Estimate|Std. Error|Wald Z|Sig.|95% Confidence Interval            |
|                            |--------|        |          |      |    |-----------------------|-----------|
|                                     |        |          |      |    |Lower Bound            |Upper Bound|
|Residual                             |,553626 |,012492   |44,319|,000|,529676                |,578659    |
|Intercept [subject = school]|Variance|,091949 |,018766   |4,900 |,000|,061635                |,137174    |
|standlrt [subject = school] |Variance|,014743 |,004640   |3,177 |,001|,007956                |,027319    |
a. Dependent Variable: normexam = final exam scores.

As you can see, the log likelihoods are the same. Additionally, the fixed effects tables are the same. However the random effects are different. I'm not very skilled in interpretation yet but the results seem to differ.

These are the settings for the variance-covariance matrix

      covariance(vartype)    variance-covariance structure of the random

    vartype                  Description
        independent              one variance parameter per random effect, all
                                   covariances zero; the default unless a factor
                                   variable is specified
        exchangeable             equal variances for random effects, and one
                                   common pairwise covariance
        identity                 equal variances for random effects, all
                                   covariances zero; the default for factor
        unstructured             all variances and covariances distinctly

And I read online that COVTYPE(VC) requests the default (variance component) structure for random effects, which assumes all random effects are independent.

Best Answer

Stata reports the estimated standard deviations of the random effects, whereas SPSS reports variances (this means you are not comparing apples with apples). If you square the results from Stata (or if you take the squared root of the results from SPSS), you will see that they are exactly the same.

For example, squaring the results from Stata:

.1214197 ^ 2 = .014742744 (standlrt)
.3032317 ^ 2 = .091949464 (Intercept)
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