Solved – In Factor Analysis (or in PCA), what does it mean a factor loading greater than 1

factor analysisfactor-rotationpca

I've just run a FA using a oblique rotation (promax) and an item yielded a factor loading of 1.041 on one factor, (and factor loadings of -.131, -.119 and .065 on the other factors using pattern matrix). And I'm not sure of what it means, I've thought that it could be only between -1 and 1.

Is it due to oblique rotation? And can loading exceed 1 with orthogonal factors?

Best Answer

Who told you that factor loadings can't be greater than 1? It can happen. Especially with highly correlated factors.

This passage from a report about it by a prominent pioneer of SEM pretty much sums it up:

"This misunderstanding probably stems from classical exploratory factor analysis where factor loadings are correlations if a correlation matrix is analyzed and the factors are standardized and uncorrelated (orthogonal). However, if the factors are correlated (oblique), the factor loadings are regression coefficients and not correlations and as such they can be larger than one in magnitude."