Solved – In Excel, how to plot two rows against each other

data visualizationexcel

So I have data like:

Cost    20  30  10   5
Rating   5   3   2   5

I want to make a chart of rating vs. cost, so the points would be

[(5,20), (3,30), (2,10), (5,5)]

I can't seem to get excel to do anything other than put the two rows as independent series. Am I missing something, or I do have to pivot the data somehow to make it do that?

(Actually, I'm using an old-ish version of on OS X, but I'm hoping the concept will be the same. I have access to excel if need be.)

Best Answer

Select the two rows and do a scatterplot which I think is called an XY plot in Excel (sorry, I run a Linux machine, so I do not have Excel installed).