Solved – Imputing missing observation in multivariate time series

data-imputationmultivariate analysisrtime series

Suppose I have a dataframe consisting of six time series. In this dataframe, some observations are missing, meaning at some timepoints all time series contain a NA-value. In R, one possible imputation package that can be used to impute time series data is Amelia. However, this package does not work for observations that are completely missing. Are there other ways to impute my data? For what it's worth, the amount of missing observations is less than 20% of all observations.

Best Answer

A good reference to solve your problem is the book "Time Series Analysis and Its Applications: With R Examples" by Robert H. Shumway and David S. Stoffer. A chapter is dedicated to the imputation of missing observations in multiple time-series analysis. Applications with code in R are also provided.

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