Solved – Importance sampling: unbiased estimator of the normalizing constant

estimationmonte carlounbiased-estimator

$\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb{E}}$I'm reading a book on machine learning and sampling methods and I want to know why the estimator of the normalizing constant is unbiased, but the estimator of $\E\left[f(x)\right]$ is biased.
Please see the image below:

enter image description here

My question is, how we can prove that importance sampling,

  1. leads to an unbiased estimator of the normalizing constant or $\E\left[\hat{Z}\right] = Z $;
  2. and the estimator of $\E\left[f(x)\right]$ for a function $f(.)$ is a biased.


Suppose $Z$ is the normalizing constant of the desired distribution $p(x) = \phi(x)/Z$ ($p(x)$ is only known up
to the normalizing constant $Z$). We have

$$I = \E\left[{\bf{f}}({\bf{x}})\right] = \frac{1}{Z}\int {{\bf{f}}({\bf{x}})\varphi ({\bf{x}})} d{\bf{x}} = \frac{1}{Z}\int {{\bf{f}}({\bf{x}})\frac{{\varphi ({\bf{x}})}}{{q({\bf{x}})}}q({\bf{x}})} d{\bf{x}}$$

and its approximation

$$I_N = \frac{{\frac{1}{N}\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^N {{\bf{f}}({{\bf{x}}^i})w({{\bf{x}}^i})} }}{{\frac{1}{N}\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^N {w({{\bf{x}}^j})} }} = \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^N {{\bf{f}}({{\bf{x}}^i})W({{\bf{x}}^i})} $$

as well as

$$\hat Z = \frac{1}{N}\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^N {w({{\bf{x}}^i})} $$

My questions are:

1- Why the author takes $Z = \int {\varphi ({\bf{x}})} d{\bf{x}}$?

2- I'm not able to prove mathematically that $\E\left[\hat{Z}\right] =Z $ ,

3- and I want to know how one can prove that $\hat{I_N}$ is biased for finite values of N?

Best Answer

  1. Why the author takes $\mathfrak{Z}=∫φ(x)dx$?

Since $p$ is a density, its integral is equal to $1$. If $\mathfrak{Z}$ is the normalising constant of $\varphi$, it has to satisfy $$\int p(x)\text{d}x=\int \frac{\varphi(x)}{\mathfrak{Z}}\text{d}x=1$$

2- I'm not able to prove mathematically that why $\mathbb{E}[\hat{\mathfrak{Z}}]=\mathfrak{Z}$

Recall that $w(x)=\varphi(x)/q(x)$. Then $$\mathbb{E}[w(X)]=\int \frac{\varphi(x)}{q(x)}q(x)\text{d}x= \int \varphi(x)\text{d}x=\mathfrak{Z}$$

3- and I want to know how one can prove that $\hat{I_N}$ is biased for finite values of N?

The ratio of two unbiased estimators is biased since $$\mathbb{E}[1/h(X)]\ge1/\mathbb{E}[h(X)]$$by Jensen's inequality.

Note: There exist unbiased estimators of the inverse $\mathfrak{Z}^{-1}$, including the notorious harmonic mean estimator.

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