Solved – If the log-likelihood is negative, should we choose it? – model comparison


I am doing linear mixed models using lme4 and this is the results of model comparison:

> anova(lmer5,lmer6,lmer32)

       Df   AIC   BIC logLik   Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)    
lmer32  9 43172 43226 -21577                              
lmer6  21 43190 43315 -21574  6.3081     12     0.8998    
lmer5  26 43162 43317 -21555 37.9971      5  3.778e-07 ***

As you can see, the results show that one model is significantly better than the others and normally I will choose model with smallest logLik. However in this result, the logLik is negative. Do you think it is a good idea to choose model from logLik in this case, or should I choose it from AIC or BIC instead.

As no conclusion whether AIC is better than BIC, I am confused which one I should choose. What do you think?

Best Answer

For a Cox model, logLik method returns the partial likelihood.

check you want to have large (i.e. in direction of positive infinity) logLik and small AIC/BIC (i.e. in direction of negative infinity)

also caution BIC is only valid for comparisons of not nested models (see, if models are nested orient with AIC alone, if models are not nested you can orient for both AIC and BIC

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