Solved – If the f-test is insignificant but coefficients are significant, can I use it

f-testregressionregression coefficientst-test

If the linear regression's f-test is insignificant but its coefficients are significant in t-test, can I use this regression and its coefficients?

In academic journals, I find people use linear regression without reporting f-test values but use its coefficients as long as they are significant.

Is it ok to use the linear regression's coefficients ignoring its f-test values?

Best Answer

F test is the first thing to do in regression after identifying the features and if it fails then it means that none of the predictors/features for the given degrees of freedom is significant, so stop there. Now, I get this question a lot that if we have any single significant predictor present in the model then why bother an $F$ test. The answer here is that suppose we have $100$ predictors and we do not do an $F$ test and just rely on $t$ test to see if any predictor is significant using p-value $\le 0.05$ and then proceed with those which are significant, then there is a serious problem with this approach which is, that by chance we will have $5$ out of $100$ predictors which won't be significant but will have low p value due to chance alone. This is the reason an $F$ test is important and the first criteria to fit a model.

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