Hypothesis Testing – How to Formulate Null Hypothesis for One-Sided Tests

hypothesis testing

With a one sided test, we might want to assess if a sample mean is greater than some theoretical mean (or the other way round):

$H_A: \mu_S > \mu_T $

What confuses me is that even for one-sided test the Null-hypothesis is described as equality between the means, i.e.: $H_0: \mu_S = \mu_T $ . Why is that? Would the opposite of $H_A$ in this case not be that the our sample mean is either equal OR smaller than the theoretical value, i.e. $H_0: \mu_T \geq \mu_S $?

Best Answer

This is a common approach in some introductory statistics textbooks. The alternative hypothesis can be directional (e.g., $H_a : \mu > \mu_0$) or non-directional (e.g., $H_a : \mu \ne \mu_0$), but the null hypothesis is always written as an equality (e.g., $H_0 : \mu = \mu_0$).

Your evaluation is correct: this would be the mutually exclusive alternative only for the non-directional test. The appropriate mutually exclusive option for the first alternative hypothesis above would properly be $H_0 : \mu \le \mu_0$.

So, ¿why do textbook authors sometimes just always write the null with the equality sign? Well, it comes down to what you can (and cannot) draw. I can draw a picture of a hypothetical world where the population mean is a given value (say $\mu_0$). I can sketch the normal curve, indicate the center is at $\mu_0$, and I'm good to go. What I can't do is draw infinitely many other such curves were $\mu \le \mu_0$.

OK...but ¿won't the $P$-values be different if I drew different curves? Yes, they would, but if you conduct a thought-experiment of what the new $P$-value would be if you did have a normal curve with a shifted mean, that new $P$-value will always be less than the one you calculated with the fixed null hypothesis.

And in the end, technically, I can't calculate a separate $P$-value for the infinite options indicated in $H_0: \mu \le \mu_0$, but I can calculate one for $H_0 : \mu = \mu_0$. (Well, not if we aren't going down a Bayesian path...)**

Hope this helps justify the pedagogic rationale behind this (seemingly) wrong conventional notation.

**This comment is based on the more simplistic definition of $P$-value used in most introductory statistics textbook. A more general definition of the $P$-value can account for this, and is described in another answer below.

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