Solved – How to write down a logistic regression formula for continuous and categorical variables

binary datacategorical datacontinuous datalogistic

I have a logistic regression with five explanatory variables (x) and Y is binary.
I will present a small work tomorrow on a powerpoint and wondering what the neatest way is to write my logistic regression?

my variables:
x_1: categorical, with the categories: teachers, biomathematics, economics and mathematics. Mathematics is the reference variable.

x_2:age, continuous

x_3: gender(Woman=1, man=0)

x_4:preparatory course: (Yes=1, No=0)

x_5: calendar, continuous

I have received a total brain release and can not figure out how to write the nicely on the presentation.
Could someone write down the formula to me?

Best Answer

The formalism used to write models in R can be quite handy, in this case with factor variables explicitly noted:

Y ~ age + calendar + factor(teacher) + factor(gender) + factor(prep_course)

You could expand to indicate more specifically that this is a logistic regression, and I suppose to indicate the reference levels of the factor variables (although that probably isn't so important for your presentation).