Solved – How to visualize tags

data visualization

I have a data set which contains a hundred or so user tags – that is, binary variables marking whether a user has a certain property or has shown a certain behaviour. (data from a web site.)

user, high_usage, tablet, likes_cats, night_owl
A,    1,          0,      1,          0
B,    0,          1,      0,          1
C,    1,          0,      0,          0

How do I visualize this data? Pairwise or all together.

I'd like to create a visualization that allows exploration of this data to find groups of behavior.. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Given that what you have looks like an adjacency matrix how about using something like Gephi to visualise your data as a network. You could think of the tags as nodes and users as something which connets one or more nodes.