Solved – How to validate a Multinomial Logit and Probit Model fit

goodness of fitlogitmultinomial-distributionprobitvalidation

I would like to know how do you determine the performance of your models. That is, if you fit a multinomial logit or probit model for un-ordered discrete choice. What do you use to evaluate whether you have a good model?

Please provide me with any reference material that I could read more on this topic. Websites, articles or book references on this topic will be a great help. I am kind of stuck!

I have R, SAS, Stata, SPSS, and Minitab available.

Best Answer

I would consider these tests at a minimum:

  • Hausman or Small-Hsiao tests of the IIA
  • Confusion matrices of predicted vs. actual outcome
  • Information criteria (AIC, BIC)
  • Various scalar measures of fit (like McFadden's $R^2$)
  • Wald or LR tests for combining alternatives

With Stata, check out the SPost from Long and Freese as their as their categorical variables book for code and a nice intro to all of these tests with examples.

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