Solved – How to Use Neural Networks to Forecast Time Series Data with Predictor Variables

forecastingmachine learningneural networkspredictorregression

I have browsed a lot of topics here, but the ones I see were all about forecasting a single variable, depending on its historical values. Whereas I want to predict a variable, by estimating a relationship between multiple predictor variables as well.

So I'm trying to find a function $f(x_1,x_2, … , x_p) = y$

-How- Can I apply a neural network approach for such a task?

If not, what alternatives can I use for this?

Edit :

I am trying to implement this in MATLAB, so I would really appreciate some MATLAB implementation of such methods.

Best Answer

you should consider a matrix of samples $X\in \mathbb R^{n\times p}$ where each column is a different variable and each rows is a different samples that is a discrete representation of your time series. After that you can train a neural network with input $X$ and output $y$ as if it is a simple polynomial interpolation.

The problem is actually more complex but this could probably be a starting point