Solved – How to test whether ICCs from different groups are significantly different


I need to compare two generalizability (G) coefficients for data that are from two separate populations. G coefficients are a type of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).

The literature on statistically comparing G coefficients is sparse by all accounts, so I thought that the best I might do was find out the recommendation for statistically comparing ICCs. I've considered Fisher's Z, but I know ICCs are not normally distributed.

Best Answer

Assuming that the generalizability coefficients that you obtained involve overlapping measurement methods in the two separate populations (in other words there is non-independence between the two coefficients) you should be able to compare them directly in PROC GLM or MIXED as detailed in this Book Chapter by Cohen and Doveh (2005).


Cohen, A., & Doveh, E. (2005). Significance tests for differences between dependent intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Research in Multi Level Issues, 4, 373-420.