Solved – How to test statistical significance between normally distributed data and non normally distributed data

normal distributionp-valuestatistical significance

I have observed values (80 in total) in different measured circumstances (80 in total). I want to test whether my observed values are the result of chance or do measured values affect my observed values.

My problem is that measured values are non-normally distributed and observed values are normally distributed according to Shapiro-Wilk test which I run on SPSS. Measured values' p-value was 0,001 in that test and observed values' p-value was 0,102 in that test.

What test should I use that I would know that are my observed values statistically significant? All I need to test is that are my observed values result of chance or did measured values affect them.

If I use t-test, are both measured and observed values required to be normally distributed?

Thank you for reading, any help is appreciated

Best Answer

Your comments clarified things.

You have two variables (relative humidity and adhesion strength) measured on 80 objects. To see if the two variables are related you probably want some form of regression, with adhesion strength being the dependent variable and adhesion strength the independent variable. You may have other independent variables as well.

Before proceeding with the regression I would make a scatterplot of the two variables to see if the relationship is roughly linear.

And regression does not make assumptions about the distribution of either variable; it does make assumptions about the distribution of the errors, as measured by the residuals.

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