Solved – How to test for a difference between ordered groups

anovahypothesis testingordered-logitt-test

Let's say I have a questionnaire about a toy and I ask:

  1. The person to rate the toy on a scale of "bad, medium, good"
  2. How much the person thinks it cost to make the toy

I want to test whether there's a (monotonic) relationship between the two variables. What's the best way of doing this?

  1. One way is to run two different one-sided t-tests, comparing (bad, medium) and then (medium, good), but I guess this loses some information.
  2. Another way is to use an ordinal logistic regression, where cost is the explanatory variable and the toy rating is the response.
  3. Another way is to maybe use something like Spearman rank correlation? This seems kind of funny to me, though, so I'm not sure.
  4. Something with (ordered) ANOVA? (I've never really understood ANOVA that well, so I'm not sure.)

What's a good approach to try?

Bonus 1: What are the pros/cons of the different approaches above? Bonus 2: points for pointing to an R function I could use.

Best Answer

Spearman correlation is fine as far as it goes, but don't stop there. What if there is a nonlinear relationship? E.g., perhaps the cost difference between those who rate the toy bad vs. medium is not comparable to the cost difference between those who rate it medium vs. good. An ANOVA would help you detect this. There's a reason to use ANOVA instead of 2 T-tests. Others might explain it better, but in a nutshell, the combination of omnibus test and (if significant) post hoc tests preserves Type I and Type II error rates better than the 2 T-tests would.

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