Solved – How to test equality of variances with circular data

circular statisticsf-testMATLABvariance

I am interested in comparing the amount of variability within 8 different samples (each from a different population). I am aware that this can be done by several methods with ratio data: F-test equality of variance, Levene test, etc.

However, my data is circular/directional (i.e. data that exhibit periodicity such as wind direction and in general angular data, or time of the day). I have done some research and found one test in the "CircStats" package in R – "Watson's test for homogeneity". One shortcoming is that this test only compares two samples, which means I would have to do multiple comparisons on my 8 samples (and then use the Bonferonni correction).

Here are my questions:

1) Is there a better test that I can use?
2) If not, what are the assumptions of Watson's test? Is it parametric/non-parametric?
3) What is the algorithm by which I can perform this test? My data is in Matlab, and I would prefer to not have to transfer it into R to run my test. I'd rather just write my own function.

Best Answer

1) The Watson-Williams test is appropriate here.

2) It is parametric, and assumes a Von-Mises distribution. The second assumption is that each group has a common concentration parameter. I do not recall how robust the test is to violations of that assumption.

3) I have been using an implementation of the Watson test in a circular statistics toolbox, written for Matlab and available on the file exchange (link below). I have not tried, but I believe the Watson test (circ_wwtest.m) is set up for multiple groups.

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