Solved – How to statistically analyze significance with 7-point Likert scale data

k-meanslikertstatistical significance

I am working on a business research paper. The hypothesis is that the sales rep influences the customer's decisions. Independent variables consist of the sales rep's: knowledge, pushiness, friendliness, etc. Dependent variable is the customer's willingess to buy.
In all, I have 12 questions that I asked on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (not important at all) to 7 (extremely important).

At this point, I have all the means and standard deviations calculated but am not sure how to proceed to evaluate whether the whole set of independent variables proves my hypothesis that the rep's qualities does influence the customer to buy.

I've done some reading on regression, ANOVA and chi squared but would really like to understand how I can apply them to this situation.

Additionally, I want to know if I compute the composite score of the subgroups, i.e. men versus women, how can I compare them statistically?

Thanks for any and all suggestions!

Best Answer

As you have already identified dependent and independent variables, you can use correlation and regression analysis. If you have qualitative variables you can also conducted comparison tests such as t-test for two groups and ANOVA for more than two group qualitative variable.

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