Solved – How to specify specific contrasts for repeated measures ANOVA using car

anovacontrastsrrepeated measuressums-of-squares

I am trying to run a repeated measures Anova in R followed by some specific
contrasts on that dataset. I think the correct approach would be to use
Anova() from the car package.

Lets illustrate my question with the example taken from ?Anova using the
OBrienKaiser data (Note: I ommited the gender factor from the example):
We have a design with one between subjects factor, treatment (3 levels: control,
A, B), and 2 repeated-measures (within subjects) factors,
phase (3 levels: pretest, posttest, followup) and hour (5 levels: 1 to 5).

The standard ANOVA table is given by (in difference to example(Anova) I switched
to Type 3 Sums of Squares, that is what my field wants):

phase <- factor(rep(c("pretest", "posttest", "followup"), c(5, 5, 5)),
levels=c("pretest", "posttest", "followup"))
hour <- ordered(rep(1:5, 3))
idata <- data.frame(phase, hour)
mod.ok <- lm(cbind(pre.1, pre.2, pre.3, pre.4, pre.5, post.1, post.2, post.3, post.4, post.5, fup.1, fup.2, fup.3, fup.4, fup.5) ~ treatment, data=OBrienKaiser)
av.ok <- Anova(mod.ok, idata=idata, idesign=~phase*hour, type = 3)
summary(av.ok, multivariate=FALSE)

Now, imagine that the highest order interaction would have been significant
(which is not the case) and we would like to explore it further with the
following contrasts:
Is there a difference between hours 1&2 versus hours 3 (contrast 1) and between
hours 1&2 versus hours 4&5 (contrast 2) in the treatment conditions (A&B

In other words, how do I specify these contrasts:

  1. ((treatment %in% c("A", "B")) & (hour %in% 1:2)) versus ((treatment %in% c("A", "B")) & (hour %in% 3))
  2. ((treatment %in% c("A", "B")) & (hour %in% 1:2)) versus ((treatment %in% c("A", "B")) & (hour %in% 4:5))

My idea would be to run another ANOVA ommitting the non-needed treatment
condition (control):

mod2 <- lm(cbind(pre.1, pre.2, pre.3, pre.4, pre.5, post.1, post.2, post.3, post.4, post.5, fup.1, fup.2, fup.3, fup.4, fup.5) ~ treatment, data=OBrienKaiser, subset = treatment != "control")
av2 <- Anova(mod2, idata=idata, idesign=~phase*hour, type = 3)
summary(av2, multivariate=FALSE)

However, I still have no idea how to set up the appropriate
within-subject contrast matrix comparing hours 1&2 with 3 and 1&2 with 4&5.
And I am not sure if omitting the non-needed treatment group is indeed a good
idea as it changes the overall error term.

Before going for Anova() I was also thinking going for lme. However, there are
small differences in F and p values between textbook ANOVA and what is returned
from anove(lme) due to possible negative variances in standard ANOVA (which are not allowed in lme). Relatedly, somebody pointed me to gls which allows for fitting repeated measures ANOVA, however, it has no contrast argument.

To clarify: I want an F or t test (using type III sums of squares) that answers whether or not the desired contrasts are significant or not.


I already asked a very similar question on R-help, there was no answer.

A similar questions was posed on R-help some time ago. However, the answers did also not solve the problem.

Update (2015):

As this question still generates some activity, specifying theses and basically all other contrasts can now be done relatively easy with the afex package in combination with the lsmeans package as described in the afex vignette.

Best Answer

This method is generally considered "old-fashioned" so while it may be possible, the syntax is difficult and I suspect fewer people know how to manipulate the anova commands to get what you want. The more common method is using glht with a likelihood-based model from nlme or lme4. (I'm certainly welcome to be proved wrong by other answers though.)

That said, if I needed to do this, I wouldn't bother with the anova commands; I'd just fit the equivalent model using lm, pick out the right error term for this contrast, and compute the F test myself (or equivalently, t test since there's only 1 df). This requires everything to be balanced and have sphericity, but if you don't have that, you should probably be using a likelihood-based model anyway. You might be able to somewhat correct for non-sphericity using the Greenhouse-Geiser or Huynh-Feldt corrections which (I believe) use the same F statistic but modify the df of the error term.

If you really want to use car, you might find the heplot vignettes helpful; they describe how the matrices in the car package are defined.

Using caracal's method (for the contrasts 1&2 - 3 and 1&2 - 4&5), I get

      psiHat      tStat          F         pVal
1 -3.0208333 -7.2204644 52.1351067 2.202677e-09
2 -0.2083333 -0.6098777  0.3719508 5.445988e-01

This is how I'd get those same p-values:

Reshape the data into long format and run lm to get all the SS terms.

d <- OBrienKaiser
d$id <- factor(1:nrow(d))
dd <- melt(d, id.vars=c(18,1:2), measure.vars=3:17)
dd$hour <- factor(as.numeric(gsub("[a-z.]*","",dd$variable)))
dd$phase <- factor(gsub("[0-9.]*","", dd$variable), 
m <- lm(value ~ treatment*hour*phase + treatment*hour*phase*id, data=dd)

Make an alternate contrast matrix for the hour term.

foo <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(dd), ncol=4)
foo[dd$hour %in% c(1,2) ,1] <- 0.5
foo[dd$hour %in% c(3) ,1] <- -1
foo[dd$hour %in% c(1,2) ,2] <- 0.5
foo[dd$hour %in% c(4,5) ,2] <- -0.5
foo[dd$hour %in% 1 ,3] <- 1
foo[dd$hour %in% 2 ,3] <- 0
foo[dd$hour %in% 4 ,4] <- 1
foo[dd$hour %in% 5 ,4] <- 0

Check that my contrasts give the same SS as the default contrasts (and the same as from the full model).

anova(lm(value ~ hour, data=dd))
anova(lm(value ~ foo, data=dd))

Get the SS and df for just the two contrasts I want.

anova(lm(value ~ foo[,1], data=dd))
anova(lm(value ~ foo[,2], data=dd))

Get the p-values.

> F <- 73.003/(72.81/52)
> pf(F, 1, 52, lower=FALSE)
[1] 2.201148e-09
> F <- .5208/(72.81/52)
> pf(F, 1, 52, lower=FALSE)
[1] 0.5445999

Optionally adjust for sphericity.

pf(F, 1*.48867, 52*.48867, lower=FALSE)
pf(F, 1*.57413, 52*.57413, lower=FALSE)