Solved – How to setup up repeated measures data for analysis with nlme()

datasetlme4-nlmemixed modelrrepeated measures

I'm trying to transition to R from using SPSS. In the past, I've setup my data in the wide format for my repeated measures ANOVAs in SPSS. How do I need to setup my data to run nlme()? The data is balanced. It has within-subjects variables of trial type(3 levels) each measured on 8 times, and a between-subjects factor with 2 levels. 2 separate analyses will be run; one with response time as the DV and another with accuracy as the DV. I know the data has to be in a long format but I'm not sure how the columns should be arranged. Should 1 column be the subject id, another the trial type, another the time, and then 1 for the DV? Does this matter? Any points in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

Yes, you need to set up your data so that each grouping factor, dependendent variable and covariate corresponds to a column and every row contains one observation (i.e. long format): Everything that you enter into the model formulas for the random and fixed parts has to be a column in your data set.

You can use reshape to get your data from wide to long format and back.

If you are transitioning to R and do a lot of mixed models, try to get a copy of Pinheiro/Bates "Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS", it's a comprehensive reference from the guys who wrote nlme with a lot of worked examples.