Solved – How to set up and estimate a multinomial logit model in R


I ran a multinomial logit model in JMP and got back results which included the AIC as well chi-squared p-values for each parameter estimate. The model has one categorical outcome and 7 categorical explanatory vars.

I then fit what I thought would build the same model in R, using the multinom function in the nnet package.

The code was basically:

fit1 <- multinom(y ~ x1+x2+...xn,data=mydata);

However, the two give different results. With JMP the AIC is 2923.21, and with nnet::multinom the AIC is 3116.588.

So my first question is: Is one of the models wrong?

The second thing is, JMP gives chi-squared p-values for each parameter estimate, which I need. Running summary on the multinom fit1 does not – it just gives the estimates, AIC and Deviance.

My second question is thus: Is there a way to get the p-values for the model and estimates when using nnet::multinom?

I know mlogit is another R package for this and it looks like its output includes the p-values; however, I have not been able to run mlogit using my data. I think I had the data formatted right, but it said I had an invalid formula. I used the same formula that I used for multinom, but it seems like it requires a different format using a pipe and I don't understand how that works.


Best Answer

Im sure you've already found your solutions as this post is very old, but for those of us who are still looking for solutions - I have found is a great source for instructions on how to run a multinomial logistic regression model in R using mlogit package. If you go to the econonometrics academy website she has all the scripts, data for R and SAS and STATA I think or SPSS one of those.

Which kind of explains how/why and what to do about transforming your data into the format of the "long" format vs "wide". Most likely you have a wide format, which requires transformation.

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