Solved – How to report SPSS OLS output

interpretationleast squaresregressionspss

Consider the model below:

enter image description here

In many research papers, significance of statistical results are indicated by *, **, and *** as a significant value at respectively the 1%, 5%, or 10% level.

Does a Sig. value of .047 (forninstance, LAW_LE) mean a significane at the 4,7% level? (So that I may report LAW_LE 0.313**)?

Second, I see many times the Std.Error is also reported in papers. How do I need to interpret the standard error in combination with the significance? For instance, COM_BIK has a standard error of 0.045 and a significance of 0.021; whereas HOF_MAS has a low standard error (0.002) but a significance of .416. What can be said about these two variables based on this information?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

It depends on the field, but I think this is the most common approach:

  • Report coefficients that have a p-value that is less than 0.05 but greater than 0.01 with one asterisk (*) -- equivalent to the 5% level of significance;
  • Report coefficients that have a p-value that is less than 0.01 but greater than 0.001 with two asterisks (**);
  • Report coefficients that have a p-value that is less than 0.001 with three asterisks (*)

So the LAW_LE would get one asterisk. Usually/often the standard error is also reported, as you suggest. Again, this varies according to the specific field of study, it is fairly standard to see values in a table as the coefficient, the significance level and the standard error in parentheses. So for your LAW_LE you would have

LAW_LE $0.075^{*}$ $(0.037)$

(unless you wanted to report the standardized coefficients in which case $0.075$ would be replaced with $0.313$ -- the decision as to whether you report standardized or unstandardized coefficients is another question and has probably been covered here).