Solved – How to pool (average) hazard ratios


Let's say the task did not allow me to use either the MICE package or RMS / HMISC to perform survival analysis on multiply imputed data. I had to impute 5 different data sets and calculate separate hazard ratios in each of these.

I need to pool the hazard ratio from each set to one "average" / "pooled" hazard ratio but how is that done? I've searched the web but can't find no formula or package that would facilitate this.

Now, there are plenty of information on pooling hazard ratios for meta-analyses but recall that my estimates originate from the same data which was used to impute 5 complete data sets.

Best Answer

Averaging the coefficients just means that: compute the hazard ratios in each of your dataset, add them and divide by 5 (= the number of imputed datasets).

However, Rubin's rules assume that the sampling distribtution (actually, the posterior distribution) of the estimates is normal. This is more likely to be true for log(hazard ratios) than hazard ratios. Remember that a normal distribution covers all negative and positive numbers, while a hazard ratio cannot be negative. So more often the log-hazard ratios are combined using Rubin's rules and than the combined log-hazard ratio is transformed to hazard ratios.

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