R Ellipse Plotting – How to Use Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

geometrymatrixmatrix decompositionmultivariate analysisr

Could someone come up with R code to plot an ellipse from the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the following matrix
\mathbf{A} = \left(
\begin{array} {cc}
2.2 & 0.4\\
0.4 & 2.8
\end{array} \right)

Best Answer

You could extract the eigenvectors and -values via eigen(A). However, it's simpler to use the Cholesky decomposition. Note that when plotting confidence ellipses for data, the ellipse-axes are usually scaled to have length = square-root of the corresponding eigenvalues, and this is what the Cholesky decomposition gives.

ctr    <- c(0, 0)                               # data centroid -> colMeans(dataMatrix)
A      <- matrix(c(2.2, 0.4, 0.4, 2.8), nrow=2) # covariance matrix -> cov(dataMatrix)
RR     <- chol(A)                               # Cholesky decomposition
angles <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=200)          # angles for ellipse
ell    <- 1 * cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles)) %*% RR  # ellipse scaled with factor 1
ellCtr <- sweep(ell, 2, ctr, "+")               # center ellipse to the data centroid
plot(ellCtr, type="l", lwd=2, asp=1)            # plot ellipse
points(ctr[1], ctr[2], pch=4, lwd=2)            # plot data centroid

library(car)  # verify with car's ellipse() function
ellipse(c(0, 0), shape=A, radius=0.98, col="red", lty=2)

Edit: in order to plot the eigenvectors as well, you have to use the more complicated approach. This is equivalent to suncoolsu's answer, it just uses matrix notation to shorten the code.

eigVal  <- eigen(A)$values
eigVec  <- eigen(A)$vectors
eigScl  <- eigVec %*% diag(sqrt(eigVal))  # scale eigenvectors to length = square-root
xMat    <- rbind(ctr[1] + eigScl[1, ], ctr[1] - eigScl[1, ])
yMat    <- rbind(ctr[2] + eigScl[2, ], ctr[2] - eigScl[2, ])
ellBase <- cbind(sqrt(eigVal[1])*cos(angles), sqrt(eigVal[2])*sin(angles)) # normal ellipse
ellRot  <- eigVec %*% t(ellBase)                                          # rotated ellipse
plot((ellRot+ctr)[1, ], (ellRot+ctr)[2, ], asp=1, type="l", lwd=2)
matlines(xMat, yMat, lty=1, lwd=2, col="green")
points(ctr[1], ctr[2], pch=4, col="red", lwd=3)

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