Solved – How to perform a bivariate regression using pairwise deletion of missing values in R

lmmissing datar

Is there any way to perform bivariate regression using pairwise deletion of missing values in R? na.action options in lm() do not offer such a possibility – the default na.action is na.omit, which is equivalent to listwise deletion. I already tried estimating the covariance matrix using pairwise deletion and then use the function mat.regress (package psych) with the pairwise covariance matrix. However, mat.regress is a function to compute multiple regression (not bivariate). Thank you.

Best Answer

When you use pair wise deletion to estimate a covariance matrix it just means that for any pair of variables you use all available observations that are not missing on either covariate.

So if you had a data matrix

#| A  B  C
1| 1  1  NA
2| 2  NA 2
3| NA 3  3
4| 4  4  4

When calculating the covariance between columns A and B you would use rows (observations) 1 and 4, and when calculating the covariance between A and C you would only use rows 2 and 4.

So in the case of bivariate regression or simple linear regression, it is equivalent to list-wise deletion.