Tukey HSD Test – Obtain Results of Tukey HSD Post-Hoc Test in a Table


I would love to perform a TukeyHSD post-hoc test after my two-way Anova with R, obtaining a table containing the sorted pairs grouped by significant difference. (Sorry about the wording, I'm still new with statistics.)

I would like to have something like this:

enter image description here

So, grouped with stars or letters.

Any idea? I tested the function HSD.test() from the agricolae package, but it seems it doesn't handle two-way tables.

Best Answer

The agricolae::HSD.test function does exactly that, but you will need to let it know that you are interested in an interaction term. Here is an example with a Stata dataset:

yield <- read.dta("http://www.stata-press.com/data/r12/yield.dta")
tx <- with(yield, interaction(fertilizer, irrigation))
amod <- aov(yield ~ tx, data=yield)
HSD.test(amod, "tx", group=TRUE)

This gives the results shown below:

Groups, Treatments and means
a        2.1     51.17547 
ab       4.1     50.7529 
abc      3.1     47.36229 
 bcd     1.1     45.81229 
  cd     5.1     44.55313 
   de    4.0     41.81757 
    ef   2.0     38.79482 
    ef   1.0     36.91257 
     f   3.0     36.34383 
     f   5.0     35.69507 

They match what we would obtain with the following commands:

. webuse yield
. regress yield fertilizer##irrigation
. pwcompare fertilizer#irrigation, group mcompare(tukey)

                      |                           Tukey
                      |     Margin   Std. Err.   Groups
fertilizer#irrigation |
                 1 0  |   36.91257   1.116571    AB    
                 1 1  |   45.81229   1.116571      CDE 
                 2 0  |   38.79482   1.116571    AB    
                 2 1  |   51.17547   1.116571         F
                 3 0  |   36.34383   1.116571    A     
                 3 1  |   47.36229   1.116571       DEF
                 4 0  |   41.81757   1.116571     BC   
                 4 1  |    50.7529   1.116571        EF
                 5 0  |   35.69507   1.116571    A     
                 5 1  |   44.55313   1.116571      CD  
Note: Margins sharing a letter in the group label are
      not significantly different at the 5% level.

The multcomp package also offers symbolic visualization ('compact letter displays', see Algorithms for Compact Letter Displays: Comparison and Evaluation for more details) of significant pairwise comparisons, although it does not present them in a tabular format. However, it has a plotting method which allows to conveniently display results using boxplots. Presentation order can be altered as well (option decreasing=), and it has lot more options for multiple comparisons. There is also the multcompView package which extends those functionalities.

Here is the same example analyzed with glht:

tuk <- glht(amod, linfct = mcp(tx = "Tukey"))
summary(tuk)          # standard display
tuk.cld <- cld(tuk)   # letter-based display
opar <- par(mai=c(1,1,1.5,1))

Treatment sharing the same letter are not significantly different, at the chosen level (default, 5%).

enter image description here

Incidentally, there is a new project, currently hosted on R-Forge, which looks promising: factorplot. It includes line and letter-based displays, as well as a matrix overview (via a level plot) of all pairwise comparisons. A working paper can be found here: factorplot: Improving Presentation of Simple Contrasts in GLMs