Solved – How to make sample space of the following question


My teacher gave me a question to solve.In the book of Ronald E. Walpole (Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists), chapter no#3 exercise 1,question #2 which is as below:

3.2) An overseas shipment of 5 foreign automobiles contains 2 that have slight paint blemishes. If an agency receives 3 of these
automobiles at random, list the elements of the sample space S, using
the letters B and N for blemished and nonblemished, respectively; then
to each sample point assign a value x of the random variable X
representing the number of automobiles with paint blemishes purchased
by the agency.

It means we have 2 DEFECTIVE AND 3 NON-DEFECTIVE automobiles;

But in the solution manual he makes samples as follows:

Sample Space 

but the question is how did he make the last sample {BBB}.I think it is not possible because we have maximum 2 blemished automobiles.and we are recieving 3 means repetition not allowed.Please tell me how {BBB} is possible.

Best Answer

BBB would have been a possible sample if the simple random sample had been drawn with replacement. In with-replacement simple random sampling, each selected item is "replaced" before the next draw is made. Each of the three draws is made from the original five, with probability of selection 1 in 5 at each draw.

This is a valid sampling method, but the description of the problem makes it clear that sampling was without replacement. I conclude that you are correct: A BBB sample point is impossible, and the listing in the solutions manual is in error.

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