Time Series Analysis – How to Make a Time Series Stationary

stationaritytime series

Besides taking differences, what are other techniques for making a non-stationary time series, stationary?

Ordinarily one refers to a series as "integrated of order p" if it can be made stationary through a lag operator $(1-L)^P X_t$.

Best Answer

De-trending is fundamental. This includes regressing against covariates other than time.

Seasonal adjustment is a version of taking differences but could be construed as a separate technique.

Transformation of the data implicitly converts a difference operator into something else; e.g., differences of the logarithms are actually ratios.

Some EDA smoothing techniques (such as removing a moving median) could be construed as non-parametric ways of detrending. They were used as such by Tukey in his book on EDA. Tukey continued by detrending the residuals and iterating this process for as long as necessary (until he achieved residuals that appeared stationary and symmetrically distributed around zero).