Solved – How to interpret results from unit root tests

hypothesis testinginterpretationstatatime seriesunit root

I have to do some unit root tests for a project, I'm just unsure on how to interpret the data (which is what I have been asked to do).

Here is one of my results:

dfuller Demand

Dickey-Fuller test for unit root                   Number of obs   =        50

                  ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller ---------
                Test         1% Critical       5% Critical     10% Critical
             Statistic         Value            Value           Value      
Z(t)           -1.987         -3.580            -2.930          -2.600
          MacKinnon approximate p-value for Z(t) = 0.2924

What do I say about the critical values and the p-value results?

Best Answer

This tests the null hypothesis that Demand follows a unit root process. You usually reject the null when the p-value is less than or equal to a specified significance level, often 0.05 (5%), or 0.01 (1%) and even 0.1 (10%). Your approximate p-value is 0.2924, so you would fail to reject the null in all these cases, but that does not imply that the null hypothesis is true. The data are merely consistent with it.

The other way to see this is that your test statistic is smaller (in absolute value) than the 10% critical value. If you observed a test statistic like -4, then you could reject the null and claim that your variable is stationary. This might be more familiar way if you remember that you reject when the test statistic is "extreme". I find the absolute value thing a bit confusing, so I prefer to look at the p-value.

But you aren't done yet. Some things to worry about and try:

  1. You don't have any lags here. There are three schools of thought on how to choose the right number. One, is to use the frequency of the data to decide (4 lags for quarterly, 12 for monthly). Two, chose some number of lags that you are confident are larger than needed, and trim away the longest lag as long as it is insignificant, one-by-one. This is a stepwise approach and can lead you astray. Three, use the modified DF test (dfgls in Stata), which includes estimates of the optimal number of lags to use. This test is also more powerful in a statistical sense of that word.
  2. You also don't have a drift or a trend terms. If a graph of the data shows an upward trend over time, add the trend option. If there's no trend, but you have a nonzero mean, the default option you have is fine. It might help if you post a graph of the data.
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