Solved – How to interpret odds ratio


Suppose we have a baseline exposure group and 2 other exposure groups for a case control study. Suppose the odds ratio for the first exposure is $1.5$ and the odds ratio for the second exposure is $1.8$. Does this mean that cases are $1.5$ times as likely to have exposure 1 than the controls? Also does this mean that cases are $1.8$ times as likely to have exposure 2 than the controls?

Best Answer

It means that the odds of a case having had exposure #1 are 1.5 times the odds of its having the baseline exposure. This is not the same as being 1.5 times as probable: odds are not the same as probability (odds of 2:1 against means a probability of $\frac{1}{3}$). So it comes down to what you mean by 'likely'.

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