Regression – How to Interpret Negative Quantiles on a QQ Plot


I am having troubles interpreting the qq plot below. The histogram is residuals from linear regression. How to interpret negative theoretical and sample quantiles? Shouldn't it be [0,1]?


Best Answer

The actual data values (in your case, the residuals) are plotted along the y-axis. The meaning of the x-axis is probably best illustrated through a simple example. There are five data values in the first column of the table below and they are sorted in increasing order. The remaining columns are rank order of the data values, percentile values (as proportions) associated with the ranks (see the NOTE below), and Z-values associated with those percentile values for a standard normal distribution.

NOTE: For n<=10, the percentile value (as a proportion) is computed as (rank-0.375)/(n+0.25). For n>10, we use (rank-0.5)/n. See

    Data    Rank     Percentile        Z
      8       1        0.119        -1.180
     10       2        0.310        -0.497
     15       3        0.500         0.000
     20       4        0.690         0.497
     22       5        0.881         1.180

The normal Q-Q plot for this data set is shown below and you’ll see that it plots the Sorted Data values on the y-axis and the Z-values on the x-axis.

enter image description here