Solved – How to interpret logistic regression coefficients with interactions between binary and continuous variables

logisticlogitrregression coefficients

I know this has been already asked, but I am quite confused about the interpretation of logit regression estimates if I have interacted variables (continuous and binary ones).

I run the following regression:

model <- glm(elected ~ treat + factor(School) + factor(Race) + 
               treat*Treat.City, data = subset(df, Year == 2016),
             family = binomial(link = 'logit'))

My dependent variable elected is equal to 1 if a political candidate got elected, 0 otherwise. treat equals 1 if the candidate belongs to a treatment group, 0 if belongs to the control group.

After controlling for schooling and race dummy variables, I have put the interaction treat*Treat.City, in which Treat.City is a continuous variables indicating the percentage of treatment candidates in relation to the total number of challengers inside candidate's i city.

Running the regression in R, I have the following results:

glm(formula = elected ~ treat + factor(School) + factor(Race) + 
    treat * Treat.City, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = subset(df, 
    Year == 2016))

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.875  -1.321   1.000   1.039   1.262  

                                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                        0.42387    0.15196   2.789 0.005281 ** 
treat                             -0.22397    0.03879  -5.775 7.71e-09 ***
factor(School)MÉDIO_INCOMPLETO     0.04055    0.03452   1.174 0.240227    
factor(School)SUPERIOR_COMPLETO    0.11976    0.03221   3.718 0.000201 ***
factor(School)SUPERIOR_INCOMPLETO  0.11576    0.02947   3.929 8.55e-05 ***
factor(Race)BRANCA                -0.12757    0.15054  -0.847 0.396742    
factor(Race)INDÍGENA              -0.57795    0.26393  -2.190 0.028542 *  
factor(Race)Preta_Parda           -0.20933    0.15073  -1.389 0.164897    
Treat.City                         1.50083    0.61352   2.446 0.014435 *  
treat:Treat.City                   2.80625    0.95484   2.939 0.003293 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 54123  on 39893  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 54033  on 39884  degrees of freedom
AIC: 54053

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

How can I interpret such coefficients? More specifically, how can I numerically make a statement about the effect of the treatment on the probability in getting elected?

Can I make any clear interpretation about this 'Intensity of treatment' variable that Treat.City is?

Best Answer

The odds of being elected when you are not treated increases by a factor $\exp(1.50083)\approx 4.49$ or $(4.49-1)\times100\%=349\%$ if you move from a city with no one treated to a city where everyone is treated.

This effect of Treat.City increases by a factor $\exp(2.80625\approx16.55)$ or $(16.55-1)\times100\%=1555\%$ if one is treated. For more see:

Given the large size of the effect I will assume that Treat.City is not a percentage but a proportion. The effects will be more realistic and easier to interpret when you turn Treat.City into percentages.