Solved – how to interpret gradient boost model & results in R

boostingmachine learning

I'm using R to model votes. I've found that the extreme gradient boost xgbTree algorithm gives nice results. I'm a newbie and don't really know how to interpret the model. My understanding is xgbTree is simply a gradient boost model, which runs fast.

If I use the caret package, I know there is a nice varImp() function that shows me the relative importance of features.

I can also compute the MSE to judge the prediction results.

Other than that, I don't have an idea how to interpret the model and judge predicted results. Was hoping someone could help me understand this in a general sense.


I found the following information about the model in R, but not sure how to interpret it from a high-level perspective.

            Length Class              Mode       
handle          1  xgb.Booster.handle externalptr
raw         68304  -none-             raw        
xNames         11  -none-             character  
problemType     1  -none-             character  
tuneValue       3  data.frame         list       
obsLevels       1  -none-             logical 

> m1$bestTune
  nrounds max_depth eta
8     100         3 0.3

> print(m1)
eXtreme Gradient Boosting 

70001 samples
   11 predictor

No pre-processing
Resampling: Bootstrapped (25 reps) 
Summary of sample sizes: 70001, 70001, 70001, 70001, 70001, 70001, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  max_depth  nrounds  RMSE       Rsquared   RMSE SD      Rsquared SD
  1           50      1.0130456  0.7681330  0.010918047  0.007353824
  1          100      1.0038036  0.7723058  0.010863621  0.007558934
  1          150      0.9989381  0.7744915  0.010900582  0.007602353
  2           50      0.9851318  0.7806992  0.010356168  0.007234972
  2          100      0.9752206  0.7850671  0.010193392  0.007342830
  2          150      0.9711467  0.7868439  0.010170191  0.007324614
  3           50      0.9723670  0.7863109  0.010728093  0.007085609
  3          100      0.9676703  0.7883940  0.010288853  0.006705919
  3          150      0.9674846  0.7884925  0.009959612  0.006718457

Tuning parameter 'eta' was held constant at a value of 0.3
RMSE was used to select the optimal model using  the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were nrounds = 150, max_depth = 3 and eta = 0.3.

What's the best way to analyze the prediction results besides MSE? Can we compute confidence intervals? etc.?

Best Answer

Ch.8 of "Introduction to Statistical Learning with R" not only discusses gradient boosting but has actual code on using gbm.

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