Solved – How to interpret Exp(B) in Cox regression


I'm a medical student trying to understand statistics(!) – so please be gentle! 😉

I'm writing an essay containing a fair amount of statistical analysis including survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier, Log-Rank and Cox regression).

I ran a Cox regression on my data trying to find out if I can find a significant difference between the deaths of patients in two groups (high risk or low risk patients).

I added several covariates to the Cox regression to control for their influence.

Risk (Dichotomous)
Gender (Dichotomous)
Age at operation (Integer level)
Artery occlusion (Dichotomous)
Artery stenosis (Dichotomous)
Shunt used in operation (Dichotomous)

I removed Artery occlusion from the covariates list because its SE was extremely high (976). All other SEs are between 0,064 and 1,118. This is what I get:

                    B       SE      Wald    df  Sig.    Exp(B)  95,0% CI for Exp(B)
                                                                Lower   Upper
    risk            2,086   1,102   3,582   1   ,058    8,049   ,928    69,773
    gender         -,900    ,733    1,508   1   ,220    ,407    ,097    1,710
    op_age          ,092    ,062    2,159   1   ,142    1,096   ,970    1,239
    stenosis        ,231    ,674    ,117    1   ,732    1,259   ,336    4,721
    op_shunt        ,965    ,689    1,964   1   ,161    2,625   ,681    10,119

I know that risk is only borderline-significant at 0,058. But besides that how do I interpret the Exp(B) value? I read an article on logistic regression (which is somewhat similar to Cox regression?) where the Exp(B) value was interpreted as: "Being in the high-risk group includes an 8-fold increase in possibility of the outcome," which in this case is death. Can I say that my high-risk patients are 8 times as likely to die earlier than … what?

Please help me! 😉

By the way I'm using SPSS 18 to run the analysis.

Best Answer

Generally speaking, $\exp(\hat\beta_1)$ is the ratio of the hazards between two individuals whose values of $x_1$ differ by one unit when all other covariates are held constant. The parallel with other linear models is that in Cox regression the hazard function is modeled as $h(t)=h_0(t)\exp(\beta'x)$, where $h_0(t)$ is the baseline hazard. This is equivalent to say that $\log(\text{group hazard}/\text{baseline hazard})=\log\big((h(t)/h_0(t)\big)=\sum_i\beta_ix_i$. Then, a unit increase in $x_i$ is associated with $\beta_i$ increase in the log hazard rate. The regression coefficient allow thus to quantify the log of the hazard in the treatment group (compared to the control or placebo group), accounting for the covariates included in the model; it is interpreted as a relative risk (assuming no time-varying coefficients).

In the case of logistic regression, the regression coefficient reflects the log of the odds-ratio, hence the interpretation as an k-fold increase in risk. So yes, the interpretation of hazard ratios shares some resemblance with the interpretation of odds ratios.

Be sure to check Dave Garson's website where there is some good material on Cox Regression with SPSS.