Solved – How to interpret a significant interaction effect that has a low effect size


I am comparing measures of a DV x with two group factors (2-way ANOVA) – y (with 2 levels) and k (with 3 levels). Both present significant main effects (p<.001) and high partial eta squared (above 0.6). The interaction effect is also significant (p<0.001) but the partial eta squared is 0.029. Post-hoc testing for the interaction of y*k yields significant differences on the DV for all comparisons.
In this case, shouldn't the effect size be greater? How do I interpret this?
Thank you for your help!

P.S. – Note: (I have a big sample; N>600)

Best Answer

At large enough sample sizes, any effect will be significant, even miniscule ones. You interpret it as a small effect that is nevertheless statistically significant (that is, large enough to be distinguished from random variation). That doesn't mean it's important or relevant.

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