Solved – how to interpret a scatter plot below

descriptive statisticsscatterplot

Below is the scatter plot of Brightness temperature on Y axis and corresponding Rainfall rate from TRMM satellite image on the x-axis. I want to know if there is a relationship between the two. If yes, how to get a regression equation from it and if not, how to know the reason for it?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Just from eyeballing the scatter plot, it doesn't look like there is much of a relationship. You could improve the plot by choosing a different symbol for the dots - one that takes up less room or is translucent would be good. You might also want to transform the rainfall rate, perhaps using log (if the rate is always positive) or square root.

Then you could try fitting a loess line or other smooth line to the data.

Then you can try regression; how to do regression depends on the package you are using (and questions about code are off topic here) but this plot looks like Excel - I, personally, would avoid using Excel and use a statistics package instead, because they have more options and so on.

If you decide not to transform the data, then you are likely to have some influential points. You might try a robust regression or a quantile regression.