Solved – How to interpret a logistic regression model with all negative coefficient

logisticregressionregression coefficients

I have 4 predictors, and 1 binary response. I fitted a logistic regression model. A strange thing is that all the coefficient of the model are negative. Is that possible? Probably I did something wrong. My interpretation is that the odds ratio of either variable is less than 1. That is, neither variable actually do any good to the response. Even the intercept is negative. Please share your intelligence.

Best Answer

Yes, it is possible. Couple of things here. The direction of your predictors are critical to the interpretation; if they were scaled in the opposite direction, they would be positive. Second, it would seem on the face that your predictors lower the log odds given a unit change, which in itself might be good if say the outcome is death. Also, you might consider centering some of your predictors if the interecpt does not seem interpretable.

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