Solved – How to include control variables in an Intervention analysis with ARIMA


I want to conduct an Intervention Analysis using SPSS. Thereby, I want to find out if a specific regulation introduced in 2013 has an effect on leveraged loan volume. Thus, the dependent variable is the time series of leveraged loan volume from 2009 to 2015. However, I would like to control for three exogenous variables which are significantly correlated with leveraged loan volume.

Leverage loan volume before and after introduction of the new regulation in May 2013:

Then I used Log transformation to make the variance constant and removed the outlier in August 2011 using Winsorization. Afterwards, I just observed the pre intervention phase and used the Box Jenkins methodology fit the Arima model.

My differenced and stationary series looks as follows for the pre intervention phase.

After Identification, Estimation and Diagnostic check I found that Arima (3,1,0) is the best fit.

Now Im ready for the Intervention analysis and as the new guidelines became effective in May 2013 I guess it is a abrupt permanent or abrupt gradual intervention. For the intervention I would use the step function and assign dummy variables 0 before intervention and 1 after intervention.

Best Answer

The three series were automatically analyzed using AUTOBOX. AUTOBOX was directed that the SAP series was stochastic and the LAW series was not. The initial identification requited pre-whitening the stochastic input and the outout series.enter image description here . This lead to the following starting model enter image description here . Estimating this model we obtained enter image description here . Performing Intervention Detection suggested two trends , some season activity and a pulse.enter image description here . Estimation provided enter image description here . The residuals from this model (here enter image description here ) were analyzed and an AR(1) augmentation was automatically suggested enter image description here . The residuals from this model were analyzed to assess both the need for a power transform and a weighted least squares transform that might be needed to stabilize the variance of the. error process. It is fairly obvious that the error variance is not homogeneous over time and fairly obvious that there is no persistant coupling of the error process with the level of the output series , more like a permanent change in the error process. This is supported by the Tsay testenter image description here . Finally we have the resultant model enter image description here whose error seem to be uncorrelated enter image description here and whose time plot suggests white noise enter image description here . THe Actual/Fit and Forecast graph is here enter image description here with the forecasts clearer here enter image description here