Solved – How to improve accuracy of the neural network

kerasmachine learningpythontensorflow

I am working on a project in which I am using this dataset, I implement neural network by using keras for it but I am not getting testing accuracy more than 80%. Here is the details:

Number of training examples = 1752

number of testing examples = 310

shape of image = (64,64)

optimization algorithm = adam (learning-rate = 0.0001)

number of epochs = 1500

minibatch-size = 32

This is the keras model code I used:

model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(30, input_dim = 4096,kernel_initializer= "uniform", 
  bias_initializer= "zeros",activation= "relu"))

model.add(Dense(20,kernel_initializer= "uniform", bias_initializer= 
  "zeros",activation= "relu"))

model.add(Dense(15,kernel_initializer= "uniform", bias_initializer= 
   "zeros",activation= "relu"))

model.add(Dense(10,kernel_initializer= "uniform", bias_initializer= 
   "zeros",activation= "softmax"))

I tried different values for dropout probability(keep_prob), but nothing change much.

Without dropout I am getting 98% training accuracy and 75% testing accuracy. So I tried dropout after this I am able to reduce the variance, but not getting enough accuracy. After so many hit and trials I got 80% testing accuracy max till not, but not getting higher than this.

I also tried l2 regularization and l2 dropout combined also, but nothing changes much. By l2 training accuracy goes very down like 72%, but it does not increase my testing accuracy. How can I increase it?

Best Answer

It's an image. Use a convolutional neural network rather than a fully connected network. Here's one of my favorite tutorials (check out their entire collection of tutorials, it's worthwhile).

Convolutional neural networks take advantage of the spacial locality inherent in images, whereas fully connected networks flatten the image and effectively permute the pixels randomly. Ever tried to look at an image flattened into an array with the pixels randomly permuted? Not easy. Nor is it for a neural network.